A Legend's Legacy Wiki
Neutral_32.gif Isle of Living






Aspects of Life, several strong beings


Drakious and Nexuses


Elderrith City




Southwestern Nordrasith, Outhria

Level Zone


 The Isle of Living is a large adrift island that is home to two Aspects of Life, Drakious and Nexuses. The island serves as a test of power, and to preserve peace in Nordrasith which are hostile lands. The two aspects watch over the island and maintain the secrets hidden there. Due to the fact they realize the source of Grimbane's energies is no other than Esquire himself, the two quickly raise the defense in order to prepare should the need arise.

The island serves as a max level zone for players, similar to Glaecings (added in Patch X-21) and Deathheim (added in Patch X-25). It is a giant quest hub filled with elite creatures, undiscovered treasures and rare loot. In addition, the two have vital quests starting from Patch X-21 that includes 7 tough quests each patch for a cumulative total of 35 in X-25. The rewards they offer are confirmed to be either a Majestic bow or staff, available in X-25. In addition, the island has one world boss, named Pekratum <Epitome of the Isle's Energies> that players can defeat for loot once per week.


Back in olden times when Death and Life used to fight each other before their mutuality, the island, known as the Isle of Living was a sanctuary for life, and was guarded by two of the Aspect of Life; Drakious and Nexuses. The lands have been decayed over the years due to the life force of it being constantly drained, and the it is strictly defended to counter threats of evil.


The lands of the Isle of Living are grassy and in some areas, mountainous. There is one city made of crystal, brick, and wood called Elderrith City.


See article: Isle of Living Quests

The quests in the Isle of Living involve defeating several tough monsters, and saving Elderrith City from assault, and lastly fighting off one of Grimbane's attacks. There are 25 initial quests of 15 one-time and 10 dailies. 7 quests will be added each patch that when completed will yield the player closer to receving a majestic weapon (bow or staff) as a reward.

Notable Characters[]

  • Neutral_15.png Ram Elderrith <Lord of Elderrith City]]
  • Neutral_15.png Drakious <Aspect of Life>
  • Neutral_15.png Nexuses <Aspect of Life>
  • Neutral_15.png Pekratum <Epitome of the Isle's Energies> (World boss)

Getting There[]

Flight to the island is available at Level 120 from Emberreach to unlock the flight master. Afterwards, it is accessible from anywhere in Nordrasith.


Wild Creatures[]


